Meet the Designer

Meet the Designer 
Written by Mahmuda Ahmed

Nur Shah is a Black and Bengali fashion blogger and
art enthusiast, born and raised in Detroit, Michigan.
Originality and expression through artistic outlets
has always been the driving factors throughout her
life. The necessity for modern modest fashion is the
idea behind this brand, to provide all women with a
high quality and innovative garment, meant to be
worn in any way desired by the eye of the

As a child, Nur has always had a creative eye. Just
as we all dream to be the path-makers of our future
Nur has done so with her artwork. At the age of
seventeen, her art blossomed into a professional
careerpath, sold at art fairs, museums, even having
hosted her own art exhibits across Michigan.
The birth of this era for Nur, nurtured over the years is the culmination of this new collection of fashion wear.